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Fake Notices, Illegal Publicity in NJ

3-20-1998 New Jersey:

Dozens of phony notices were circulated in a New Jersey housing development in early March, falsely accusing a high school guidance counselor of being a convicted sex offender.

The county prosecutor has begun an investigation, and sent letters to every resident of the housing development saying that the fliers were fake. (New York Times 3/20/98)

Earlier this year, a local New Jersey paper printed a front page story containing information, including a photograph, from a flier distributed under the state's notification act.

The state's attorney general denounced publication of the information by the press as improper and said that vigilantism as to known sex offenders would not be tolerated.

Governor Christie Whitman claimed that such incidents were not within the intention of those who had supported passage of the law. (AP, 1/21/98) ..more.. by March 1998 Defender News from NYSDA's Public Defense Backup Center REPORT

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